Sunday, June 6, 2010

My favorite Guru

Matt Garrigan is my favorite guru. He says his "favorite thing to remember is the realization that others are not failed attempts at being me, they are each unique contributions...and that I am that I am."

Another of his moving comments is when he reminded us that we are saturated in the Divine. What a fabulous description!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Reality Beyond Agreed Upon Reality


I love the books by Carlos Castinada who writes about his time with the shaman, Don Juan.
One of my favorite stories is as follows.

Don Juan and his friend, also a shaman, took Carlos to the foot of a waterfall falling over a sheer cliff. "Wait here', Carlos was told. The two shaman then climbed the cliff wall and effortlessly crossed the falls half way up. Carlos stood dumbfounded.

When the two men returned to his side, he asked, "How did you do that?" "Watch again." The two shaman again scaled the cliff and easily and quickly crossed but this time Carlos saw both men had glowing tenacles radiating from their navel area, which held them securely to the cliff face.

I remembered this story one evening as I was following our yoga teacher through a series of poses. We were doing the Crane. As I stood on one leg and held my foot behind me with one hand, a tenacle silently unfolded from my navel and attached itself to the floor.

No one in the class seemed to notice as I leaned my weight on the tenacle. I felt I could have stood there all evening. As the class moved onto the next pose, the tenacle folded back into my navel. I followed the teacher's lead in quiet joy.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Magic Exists

After 10 years of off and on writing, I have finally completed my book.

When I was younger, I wanted to write a book. However, I noted with regret, I did not have anything to say I felt worthy of saying.

Now after a lifetime of inquiry into the nature of life and reality beyond the agreed upon reality I do have some things I know.

I know magic exists. Magic is that which is out of the normal realm of reality. I have experienced things beyond the five senses and have over a lifetime collective stories of others psychic and spiritual experiences.

That is what I will share with you.